Marty Schnapf USA, 1977

Marty Schnapf works in painting, drawing, sculpture, installation and performance. Schnapf’s world evokes an inconstant sensual and psychological space of dream, desire, memory, and premonition. Schnapf received his BFA from Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio (1999). 
He recently received a solo exhibition, Phosphors, with Diane Rosenstein Gallery, Los Angeles (2022) and has recently exhibited his painting in Everything in Its (Right) Place, A.MORE Gallery, Milan, White Columns Benefit, New York City, Think Pinker, curated by Beth Rudin DeWoody at GAVLAK, Los Angeles and with David Zwirner’s PLATFORM and Alice Black Gallery, London, UK (2022);  and recently included in Vivacité, Gallerie Italienne, Paris (2021); Dark Waters, WLCAC, Watts, California (2021); Rites of Passage, Unit London, London (2021); All Tomorrow’s Parties, domicile (n.), Curated by Michael Slenske, Los Angeles (2021); and Drive-By-Art (Organized by Warren Neidich, Renee Petropoulos, Michael Slenske and Anuradha Vikram), Los Angeles (2020) and a public sculpture at the Soulangh Cultural Park in Tainan City, Taiwan. He received the 2016 Rema Hort Mann Foundation ACE Grant for “Night Fever,” a sculptural installation in downtown Los Angeles. .