Artist Talk: "The Director’s Series: Michael Govan and Eleanor Antin" at LACMA

Tuesday, June 18th, 7:30pm - 8:30pm at the Bing Theatre

LACMA CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director Michael Govan speaks with artist Eleanor Antin, a pioneer of performance and conceptual art in Southern California. In 1972, Antin challenged the definitions of sculpture, self-portraiture, photographic documentation, and performance with CARVING: A Traditional Sculpture. Consisting of 148 black-and-white photographs, the work shows the transformation of Antin’s body as she lost 10 pounds over 37 days. In 2017, Antin restaged her landmark performance, to create CARVING: 45 Years Later. Both works are presented together for the first time in Eleanor Antin: Time’s Arrow, provoking reflection on the passage of time. 
Tickets include admission to Eleanor Antin: Time's Arrow, open 5–7:30 pm prior to the program.
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